Research and development

R&D activities of puraset


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We carry out research and development work within the framework of domestic and foreign research programs. The domestic and international recognition of the company's operation is indicated by the fact that during the Hungarian visit of Prof. Philippe Busquin, the EU High Commissioner for R&D Puraset Ltd. was selected to represent the Hungarian small enterprises by briefly presenting its own activity. The company with its four electrical engineers and two technicians operates as the R&D workshop of universities and industrial companies. In addition, it forms the production base of special materials used in the fields of the electrical industry, automobile production and reactor technology in cooperation with a wide range of domestic and foreign cooperation partners. 

Our R&D activities in details:

  • material technology research and development and preparation of sample materials based primarily on HERF (High Energy Rate Forming) technologies, i.e. blast plating and powder compaction as well as electromagnetic metal forming and powder compaction
  • research and development of production technology based on the above technologies
  • design and manufacture of demonstration devices for educational and research purposes
  • technological education and training activities mainly in the field of blasting and electrodynamic technologies, in cooperation with domestic and foreign universities
  • production of multilayer metal materials on the basis of our own know-how Example: copper-aluminium

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Three more PurAID® units in Ghana

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Three more PurAID® units in Ghana


Provided to the construction camp for engineers and contractors building a road network, three of our plants purify drinking water


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PurAID® project in Ghana

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PurAID® project in Ghana


Our first project in Ghana, the trial operation of our PurAID® modular, mobile, pallet-based water purification equipment installed in the settlement of Akim Wenchi, has been successfully completed. With the help of PurAID®, iron and manganese impurities, as well as disease-causing bacteria, are removed from the water of the public wells of the town of 12,000 inhabitants.


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Arsenic free irrigation water

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Arsenic free irrigation water


Using AsMET filling, the produced vegetables became even healthier.


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