Special prototype machine construction. Development, planning and construction of prototype machines, special materials, individual components
Our routine activities include the development, design and construction of custom-made devices such as:
Prototypes – winding machines, demonstration devices, etc.
Special materials – powder compacts, individual material combinations, etc.
Individual components - insulating bushings, corrosion-resistant bondings etc.
Our company placed its PuraWell arsenic-removing tank at the kindergarten of Rinyaújlak fitted to a wall fountain.
Our company handed over 15 pieces of AsMet arsenic removal equipment with a capacity of 12 m3/ d to Subotica Waterworks
In 2019, we developed a reactor technology control rod for the Eötvös Lóránd Research Network - Energy Science Research Center, in which the desired parameters were achieved by blasting, while the gas tightness was achieved by electron beam welding.