
The United Nations listed PurAID® technology


The United Nations listed PurAID® technology among UN Acceleration Action initiatives

Even in Europe, the water utility infrastructure development is facing financing challenges. The reconstruction of the ageing water infrastructure is underfinanced. Only 1%-0,01% of existing infrastructure is reconstructed each year. In addition, the capital costs are not included in tariffs. EU and public funding equal conditions of 50 years payback period of interest-free finance.

Cost recovery is not provided due to affordability constraints. There is a financing gap in the investment of water-related sectors. Mobilization of private investment is expected to complement public funding in this area. This requires sustainable and profitable water-related investments.

If the EU WFD model for water infrastructure is expected to have in developing countries, the cost of this (20+ thousand Billion USD) is non-financeable from the available resources and due to the affordability limitations (3% of the family income). 

Based on available research and economic return on investment indicators, in communities where there is no adequate water supply network, or where there is one, but the water quality is still not good, end-of-pipe related technologies can be the solution to provide at least 3 litres per person per day of drinking water for a healthy life.
Our PurAID® technology as a point-like solution gives a perfect solution for these places. No pipeline construction is needed, solves water shortage with an investment value of less than €25 per capita instead of the €500-2,500 per capita value needed for traditional infrastructure. 

PurAID® offers a sustainable and affordable solution with less than €5 annual operational cost/capita with high-quality, modern regenerable filter technology. Furthermore, it indirectly reduces the ratio of bottled water thus the quantity of plastic waste.
PurAID® is a compact small, pallet-size technology with easy installation into an existing water treatment network or as a new purification item, where no additional pipeline construction is needed. Installation is twofold, either to an end-of-pipe or by connecting to a surface or groundwater source, to a borehole. 

PurAID® is entitled to secure a safe water source for rural communities with a short installation time providing healthy drinking water for 2-3000 people/day.

We are very proud to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals through our innovative, affordable and sustainable solution. Direct link to our product on the UN website.

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PurAID® project in Ghana

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PurAID® project in Ghana


Our first project in Ghana, the trial operation of our PurAID® modular, mobile, pallet-based water purification equipment installed in the settlement of Akim Wenchi, has been successfully completed. With the help of PurAID®, iron and manganese impurities, as well as disease-causing bacteria, are removed from the water of the public wells of the town of 12,000 inhabitants.


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Arsenic-removal tanks

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Arsenic-removal tanks


Our company placed its PuraWell arsenic-removing tank at the kindergarten of Rinyaújlak fitted to a wall fountain.


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