
Sustainable water supply system with PurAID®


Social responsibility through real projects

For businesses that strive for sustainability, ethical practices and social responsibility, their activities must include elements that deliver financial results and enhance their impact on society and the environment, while providing better living conditions for the most vulnerable target groups.

It is a fact that significant investment is needed to fill this infrastructure gap, which can only be filled by innovative, cost-effective and sustainable water solutions. Our PurAID® system offers an immediate solution for municipalities and institutions where investment-heavy centralised water treatment plants with
distribution networks may take 3–5 years to achieve in a world economy struggling with scarce resources.


Our summary brochure on a cost-effective, affordable model presents our solution with economic and sustainability calculations that are attractive to local partners and support social and environmental engagement as well.

The brochure is available HERE

Arsenic free irrigation water

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Arsenic free irrigation water


Using AsMET filling, the produced vegetables became even healthier.


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Three more PurAID® units in Ghana

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Three more PurAID® units in Ghana


Provided to the construction camp for engineers and contractors building a road network, three of our plants purify drinking water


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Purawell system for clean drinking water

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Purawell system for clean drinking water


Our company handed over 15 pieces of AsMet arsenic removal equipment with a capacity of 12 m3/ d to Subotica Waterworks


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